Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gears of War 3 Review

First of all, I’ll go ahead and say that I have loved the Gears of War series from day one and I believe it’s one of the few games on the market that can sell the system, not the other way around. Ironically enough, I had to purchase another Xbox 360 to play this game. I have to say, I’m glad I purchased the system again.

Oh yea!
The campaign is typical Gears of War fashion with its cheesy one liners and huge, epic boss fights. Marcus is still emo, and seems to always get the job done while Cole Train runs around doing his thang. Dom is still a character of importance, but not as large a role as Gears of War 2. During the campaign, if you have friends online, they can hop in your game for some co-op, which is beyond fun. If you have a 360, buying this game to play the campaign with friends is more than enough reason for a purchase.

Gotta plan ahead.
Even without friends though, Epic Games stepped the AI on both sides for this title. Enemies actually use cover and flanking tactics, which makes teamwork one of the more important aspects of battle. Improvements were also done to the partner AI which is very helpful in certain scenarios. It’s one of the most annoying things in a game when you are forced with a partner who doesn’t know how to revive you, so it’s nice to see a game trying to get rid of that annoyance.

The sun light is a nice addition to the series.
On the graphics side, Gears of War 3 is remarkable looking on the Xbox 360. It’s very easy to see how much effort Epic Games put into polishing this title. The previous titles always seem to be a little darker toned but Gears of War 3 brings out the sun and showcases some real potential of the system. Even when playing online matches, the backdrops are fascinating and it seems as if the game tries to retain the same graphics of the single player.

Gears of War 3 stays true to the online multiplayer formula that it’s known for. A lot of fans were disappointed by Gears of War 2 and its multiple fails at multiplayer but this title has resolved all those issues and is definitely the best multiplayer of the Gears series. Despite it still being a shotgun-to-the-face-game, the inclusion of the Retro Lancer and improvements of the other weapons have given other players a chance and choice to use a different weapon and still come out with a victory.

Just not their day.
Easily one of the best features of Gears of War 3 is the fan-service and all it has to offer. The ability to level up your profile with online AND offline activities is a dream come true and something other games should take a note of. It’s something that gives people who aren’t pro status at the online multiplayer, something to achieve and gain while not spending all their game-time online. The various unlockables, character skins, weapon skins, hidden collectibles, in-game awards, and easter eggs show that this title is “Gears of War”.


This title is definitely a reason to own an Xbox 360. Even if you never played the other two games in the series, players can just pop this game in and get a recap of the franchise and start enjoying the best of the best. Epic Games have stated that this will be the final Gears of War, so it’s definitely a worthy purchase and one of the best games made for Xbox 360. For a video review, you can click here!

Final Score = 9/10
Be sure to voice your opinion down in the comment section below and check back with GamersGameplay for future reviews!

Review by SteveThe1ne.

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