Sunday, March 22, 2015

Destiny Crucible: The Anomaly Map Tips

What's up Gamers. S1G here with 3 tips for for Destiny's Crucible map The Anomaly. This is a very small map which was originally only available to Guardians who chose to fight in Rumble, which is Destiny's Free For All mode. I'm not a huge fan of this map, but the outer and inner ring concepts are something that I have found pretty interesting and grown to enjoy. 

1. The first, and most notable thing about this map, is it's size. With it being such a small map, it's very easy to get from one zone to another. This is something that's actually very beneficial to your team if played correctly. The benefit of having zones this close together is how easy it is to score a zone kill while being really far away from the zone you hold. Use this to advantage and hold the perimeter of the zones you capture so you can rank up multi-zone kills and gain points rather quickly.  
2. Secondly, is the Bravo capture point. Every map in the Crucible is designed to have both teams spawn near a zone. Depending on which team you are on, you will either spawn near Alpha or Charlie, while Bravo is typically in the middle of these two and is the warzone for both teams. The Anomaly's Bravo is DEFINITELY a warzone. I highly recommend that you don't go to Bravo without having a super or a group of teammates who are prepared to get Shotgunned. It's the central zone of this map and the smallest space, which typically means the most action is going to be happening here. I recommend most players to patrol the outer ring of the map and until they meet up with their team or have a super. You can always throw in grenades to help your team out and possibly get a kill.  

3. Third and final thing regarding The Anomaly map is the design of the map. Anomaly has two rings, an inner one and outer one. These rings have a purpose for how you choose to take on fights. If you are a huge fan of shotguns and up-close combat, patrol the inner ring and bring your best close-combat arsenal. If you prefer to pick opponents off in the distance while having limited cover, stay back in the outer ring. Whichever style you enjoy should dictate where you are in the map. It would probably be best that you don't venture too far away from your play-style in this map, because it can easily lead to your team getting crushed. 

Be sure to check out my video covering these three topics on YouTube.
Here is the link: 3n3 Destiny's Crucible: The Anomaly Map

Stay tuned for my next post where I'll be providing my three tips on the Shores of Time map!

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