UPDATE! I am tired of being lazy and not updating this site as much as I want. The easiest method I have found to do this is to talk about what I play the most, which is Destiny. Every week I plan to tell my adventures of my Titan, Warlock, and Hunter on this blog. I have countless memories and journeys throughout the Destiny universe that I wish I would have recorded but failed to do so. This will be the home of my journey through Destiny. Thank you all who have visited here before and those who will visit after!
Alrighty! To start off, this week is the week before The Taken King comes out. We were met with patch 2.0 update for Destiny. With this update came a lot of changes to the UI and system, but this week specifically came the Crucible Preview Event. This week all players of Destiny get to experience Rift and Mayhem modes. Oh what a time to be alive in the Destiny universe!
RIFT! It's absolutely fantastic! A mode rewarding teamwork and coordination is finally in Destiny that's not Trials. I am a huge fan of this mode and dunkin' on fools never felt better except maybe in NBA Street Vol.2. The only downside to this mode, that I have felt, is that playing with randos is extremely difficult. A well coordinated team will demolish you and new players don't have a lot of time to get a good "feel" of the mode. Then again, this is also based on everyone playing new maps as well as a new mode. Rift is something I plan on going in to with a team of 4 or more when it officially launches on September 15!
Also, The Take King is so close I can taste it. I have my bounties stored up and have a gameplan in mind. I'm taking Tuesday and Wednesday off from work to destroy the content they release. My goal is to rush with Titan through the story to unlock Sunbreaker and turn all my bounties in to level that subclass super quick. After that, do the same with my Hunter and Warlock. With all my characters lvl 40 I plan to run Court of Oryx to get the best loot I can to prepare for the Nightfall and Weeklies. Any person on my PSN list can join me for these activities as well as Twitter. Just tweet at me @SteveThe1ne if you want to attend. I'll be playing all day when the game goes live and streaming all day as well!
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