Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Carlton!

The Carlton dance was added to Destiny! That's really all you need to know. Titans are getting complained about across the Internet and Nighstalkers are infinite super glitching. I'll have more in an update this weekend!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

You Can Dance if You Want To

More dances/emotes will be coming to Destiny on October 13th, 2015! I'm so stoked to see what they are. I know making the decision to add these was probably extremely difficult to do and controversial. The thing that everyone is worried about is the possibility of adding items that won't just be cosmetic and making the game "pay2win". I feel like Bungie has seen so many companies fail with incorporating items like that and I believe they will not make that mistake. Personally, I don't mind cosmetic items for purchase because I understand that the money is going to the developers to make new "free" content for the game I love. The Taken King has added a pretty unique quests system which the DLC emotes they're adding will help the live-team develop more of these and bring them into the game for everyone (regardless if you bought the emotes or not).

Not only on October 13 will there be new emotes for purchase but there will be the return of Iron Banner and October 16 we will have Trials of Osiris! I'm super stoked to see the return of these. I'm also intrigued on how the power level system will work with the "light level" system that was brought into the game with The Taken King. Trials recommended light level is 290 which kind of assures my theory that it won't affect anything as long as you are within 20 points of the opponent. Not only will the competition come out to play for new gear/weapons/ghosts and glory, we will be able to dance some new dances when we win or do a big play!

Also the Daily Heroic Mission is Paradox today and reddit user /u/esoterickk has a sweet write up where you can find the Mystery: Vault of Glass Ghosts as well as the Cult Ghost you turn in to FWC for some rep and possibly the beginnings of a quest line! Here is the link Vault of Glass Mystery if you would like to check this out and find them today or any day the mission Paradox is the Daily Heroic!

Thank you for reading this week and hope to see you all in Iron Banner and in Trials! :) Good luck Guardians!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

1 of 88,733

Whoa. It's Thursday. The Taken King has been out for 9 days and it seems like I've been playing for a month. Even after all the time I spent playing I still have so many unfinished quests and my alts to work on! GG Bungie with your content worth and what you have done to the game. Year 2 is still throwing out surprises (Black Spindle) around each corner and I can't wait to see more!

Also the Weekly Update is available to read for all here --> Bungie Weekly Update 09/24/2015 ! The interesting statistics that I enjoyed reading was that over the weekend, was that 88,733 were able to complete King's Fall. I'm glad i can say I was part of that number. With 3 full clears under my belt, I'm pretty confident in my ability to explain and handle the raid with a team of solid members who can communicate well (friends or randoms). Hopefully soon I will start hosting raids for some LFG people and my IRL friends I've been unfortunately neglecting.

I honestly can't wait to read the interview coming up where Bungie will be talking to VersusTheStream and his crew! It will be interesting to hear what they thought about King's Fall, how they prepared and what went through their heads during the encounters. Be sure to wait for that and follow him at VersusTheStream or @versusthestream on twitter.

Also, if you are ever interested in watching me play Destiny, I stream Monday - Thursday at 8:30PM-11:00PM (EST) and try to knock out as much content as I can during those days. On 09/30/2015 I will be guest streaming for , I would love to chat with everyone and get in some quality Destiny time! Until the next update, keep strong Guardians!