Sunday, October 2, 2011

5 Reasons to Return to DCUO

DC Universe Online has definitely had a difficult year so far for the Playstation 3. Freezing, glitches, and horrible interface issues made a large amount of the consumers not stay around after the 30 days free. Recently announced as going to the business model of Free-2-Play, there is a few good reasons to step back in the world of DC Universe.

Most of the changes they have made to the interface are superb compared to launch. Nowhere near as laggy and the quest log is now understandable and not gross. Voice chat has been simplified and general chat is disturbing to even try. Anyone who played at launch will notice a change for the better.

Returning players will be met with their characters having an underscore and their server initials at the end of their name with a name change ticket in their bank. The merge was much needed, making grouping easier and league finding a breeze. Despite the horrible problems after the server merge, logging in isn’t a pain anymore.

Perhaps the best reason to return to DC Universe Online is the subscription going away. Players will be able to just put in their disc like a normal PS3 game and enjoy a good time. No longer will that case be on your shelf, unable to upset you that you can’t trade or sell it.

Green Lantern DLC is available and a large number of updates have released to fix issues, but all in all, DC Universe Online has a lot for the value. The world is massive, there’s plenty of quests to do, and PVP serves its purpose to create a decent MMORPG that won’t have a monthly fee anymore.

Going Free-2-Play in October is a good move for DC Universe Online. Arkham City will released and will re-ignite some Batman fans to want more Batman, and at the moment, DC Universe Online has enough Batman related content to last. Hopefully this Free-2-Play will kick in on October 1st, so people who are tired of dying Dark Souls and wanting to get some Batman in their lives before Arkham City releases have something to fill that void.

DC Universe Online has been through its ups and downs, but I believe they have finally started on the right track. Now is a good time to start back up leveling and enjoying a good game with friends that no longer will have a required fee to stand in your way. Check out a quick trailer of the game below and definitely voice your opinion in the comment section.

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